Dead Island Review (PC)

*Source of Review: Digital PC Version


Why we prefer digital over retail version of Dead Island?, one word, Pre-order bonuses. As you pre-order the game before launch you'll get a weapon blueprint of "The Ripper" and The Bloodbath Arena DLC. The Bloodbath Arena DLC typically a survival mode to survive multiple waves of zombies. Players earn cash and XP in Bloodbath Arena, and can be carry over to the main campaign. The arena also includes a new weapon, the Sonic Pulse Grenade.
Plus, buy 4-pack on steam is rather cheaper than buying at retail.

Helping  each other in need is a must in zombie survival game

I had a dream where Resident Evil series turn to First Person Shooter game, Left 4 Dead was one of it, but L4D is too fast forward type. No inventory management, no quest or rather a solid storyline. In Dead Island, things are quite different from Left 4 Dead. First of all, you able to level up your character with skill tree. Depending on which character you choose, each of them have their own ability. Logan is expert in weapon throwing, Sam B is blunt weapon specialist, also known as tank because he has the longest health bar, Xian expert in using Sharp weapon and Purna on all type of guns. In game, 70% of the time you be spending using melee weapon instead of gun. Why? because this aren't L4D, you can't just find ammo pile lying everywhere.

Secondly, the game allows you to use money and inventory, which there are shop from time to time or person to trade weapons with. Limitation of the inventory slot also force you to choose your weapon wisely. Weapons are also upgradable and mod-able, but before you able to mod you be needed the mod blueprint and the item needed to mod, which can be found everywhere in the game.

Head stomp, head stomp and more head stomp
The control is very suitable for keyboard and mouse, as weapon selection are made from press middle mouse button to bring up the weapon circle menu and choose your weapon. Remember the Crysis game when trying activating the maximum armor, stealth and etc function? Thats the menu we talking about. Some player complaining about the FOV (Field of View) that cause dizziness but I didn't felt it myself.

Similar for GTA series where you able to explore whole island openly, get quest, complete it and get XP + reward. Bear in mind that car can't be found anywhere or travel to residential area. The game was set on daylight, thought it will be less horror? think again, it did scare out of me time to time. You also able to co-op up to 4 person. You also can use the very same character you play over the Internet with your friends in solo offline mode. The game also very smart to set a suitable co-op partner as you progress the game. It automatically give you a "note" that there are some other player playing at the very same spot as you and taking the same quest, you be able to join them.

Later in-game you be activating the head stomp skill, this is a major let down as even a special zombie can be kill with 1 head stomp skill (if you able to knock him down). With Sam B you can pretty easily knock every zombie down and make a finishing head stomp. Did I mention that even a boss can be easily kill by just 1 head stomp? I'll leave some spoiler behind and let you guys see for yourself.


Like every zombies killing game, your sole objective is to survive. The storyline somewhat better than Left 4 Dead (Thanks to the side quest) but not totally unpredictable.

Graphic and Sound

The main let down of this game is graphical glitch that happen time to time. Is nothing major, but it do spoil the mood. The graphic aren't that good compare to Unreal Engine 3, but it do acceptable in today's gaming graphic technology. What special about Chrome Engine 5 that been use in Dead Island is that it has special layer of damage to the zombie. Each slash of machete doesn't always dismember zombie arm, it take off from skin tissue to muscle then to the bone itself. Watch the video below that explain more. The sound can be really confusing sometime, making you think that there is zombie nearby, in fact there aren't any. (The sound also scare you sometime)

Graphical glitch I mention earlier. See the background


Its is a very good zombie killing game, as it was different from others.The story aren't short either, making it really worth your money. The bugs aren't anything major and should be fix on upcoming patch, but the major let down is to able head stomp every zombie including boss. While you play in solo might not felt it as you able only to head stomp yourself, but while in co-op mode there are 4 person head stomping every zombie. Making the game look dumb and easy.

Rating : 8 out of 10 stars


Anonymous said...

fix your broken English, thanks.

Editor said...

Thanks for the head up. In fact I still learning to write a better review. Sometime is hard when there's no one to give opinion.