Bulletstorm Review

* Source of Review: PC Version


Nothing actually interesting here. While only Xbox360 Bulletstorm: Epic Edition will get a beta code to try out Gear of Wars 3 beta.

Bulletstorm Limited Edition come with digital goodies such as,
- 25,000 Experience Points
- Visual Upgrades for the Iconic Leash
- Deadly Peace Maker Carbine
- Additional Boots and Armor


The gameplay is very unique, that what bulletstorm separate from other regular FPS games. You get tons of ways to kill your enemy and earn points to upgrade weapon. Combined leash,"Duke Nukem" signature kick with slow mo and hazardous enviroment, you get tons of ways combined weapon at your disposal to finsih off your enemy. Sadly the main campaign doesn't come with co-op mode. There is a tiny problem with the control, as PC user, our default Run and Crouch button are Shift (run) and Ctrl (crouch)where there is a stunt "Slide" require you to press Run then crouch togeher to perform slide is kinda incompatible with keyboard.

Meet the giant wheel of death

There 2 other multiplayer mode avaialble, Anarchy and Echo mode. Arcnarchy mode is kinda like survival mode where you can support co-op up to 4 player to survive enemy hordes wave by wave.

While Echo game mode, player get chance to play partial of campaign mode. The focus of this mode are to get as much point as possible and compare your points with your friends on leaderboard.

Ever imagine what if Max Payne and the movie "Wanted" combined? Yeah, you can get to see it in action by using your sniper rifle. You be able to steer the bullet of a sniper bullet. I love this gun.

You only able to steer to the enemy you aim at.

I'm not gonna spoil the storyline for you but the storyline is just so-so. Story about how gray got his revenge on the general is not so interesting afterall. The game is more focus on the gameplay than storyline afterall.

The game has a very interesting, is mean VERY interesting among characters. Keep focus on the their conversation and you will notice alot dick ass joke.

Alot "fancy" talk included.

Graphic and Sound

The graphic is powered by Unreal Engine 3 which is damn superb, need to say more?


Turn out to be pop-corn shooter. The campagin is fun but it doesn't last very long. For the price tag of RM139, it worth a try, but expect too much. Bear in mind that Bulletstorm are powered by Games For Windows LIVE, good thing is you doesn't need port forwarding to host a game, and bad thing is some people have past bad experiance with GFWL.

3.5 out of 5 Stars

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