Everyone been wondering if this cable worth it? Is there any difference at all? Continue read to find out.
Is hard to tell from a person perpective either its improved or not after changing the cabel.
The package come with a standard Monster Cable HDMI cable design specifically for the xbox360. It also included a Optical output converter from the XBox360 AV port, however it was useless for Xbox360 Slim version though as they already buildin with Optical Out port. The cable are made to be VERY durable. Check out the technology from Monster Cable.
Xbox360 AV port convert to Optical out
Test bed: I'm typically using a Sony 32" TV (KLV-32EX400), Xbox360 Slim, 7.1 speaker output from TV (Only 2.1 can be used).
After several testing was made, there is a slight clearer and better colour on my TV display. Yeah it was just slight, no major improvement.
The different between a standard HDMI cable (RM60+) with a Xbox360 Monster Cable (RM230) is just a slight improvement on display. Compare the price you pay, it doen't seem much worth it.
2 star out of 5
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