Alot of effect and graphical technology been added since the original Half Life 2. Those effect are explained in Half Life 2: Lost Coast, this level can be downloaded free via steam account when you brought Half Life 2 Games. Remember to on commentary from the developer at option to hear the garphical and new games technology. Not much change for me in gameplay from Half Life 2:Episode 1 with this Half Life2:Episode 2..... 1 new enemy (The Hunter) and a new weapon (not exactly a weapon, more like just a bomb that use at the end of the games to blow up strider). AI seem improve greatly, the reaction of alyx, coordination attack. The gameplay of the HL2:Episode 2 seem rather short. HL2 original told the story on Gordon Freeman come to blow up the Combine Citadel, Episode 1 told how Alyx and Gordon get a way from the blast from the Combine Citadel and Episode 2 told how they close the giant portal that was about to open after the destruction of the Combine Citadel. Here are the Link to Wikipedia Half Life 2 Life 2:Episode 2 won't be available separately in retail shop. So you need buy Orange Box to play. As for those who already brought HL2 and HL2:Episode 1, After you installed Orange Box, you were able to free those HL2 and HL2:Episode 1 to your friends.
Half Life 2:Episode 2
Rating (by me) - 8 out of 10
Good thing - Improve grahic and AI
Bad thing - short gameplay
G man look very "ham sap" on the way he looking at alyx (G Man can be spotted in some secret area)
AI reaction seem improved
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